Nichiren Buddhism

The Secret of Getting All Your Prayers Answered

There are some things in life that are worth the suffering involved in attaining them. Your dreams are included, if not top of that list. It has been said that the things that come easily are never worth as much as those that take time and effort. Think back to your own achievements, I’m sure you will see that the things that bring the most pride and enjoyment are the ones that took the most work to come to fruition. So let’s examine just what qualities we will need in order to succeed. In the first place it may well take a great deal of Courage. The Courage to persist under difficult conditions, to make difficult decisions. Often we have to make sacrifices to achieve the greater goal and that also takes Courage.

Sometimes we might be tempted to give in, when the pain seems to be too great. The Courage to go on, to reach that goal, will repay us many times over when we succeed.

To ensure that you are making the right decisions along the way will take Wisdom. Maybe we make mistakes and Wisdom is exhibited in the way we learn from those mistakes. At other times the Wisdom is apparent in the way we take the hardest option for the right reason. Finally we need to have Compassion. There will be times when we have to live through short term pain for long term gain, and Compassion for ourselves and for the others involved will make the process so much easier for everyone to bear. I don’t need to cite any examples, we have all got life experiences that illuminate the process very clearly. I wish you all the Wisdom, Courage and Compassion to aim for, and attain your own dreams. Remember it can all be made easier by following 

The Buddhist principle of “Kyo Chi Gyo i”

Kyo means, the goal you wish to achieve. 

Chi means, is the wisdom needed to reach that goal

Gyo means, is the action you need to take to reach the goal. 

‘I’(pronounced as ‘E’) means, the status you will attain when the goal is reached.

it is the recipe for success, So many of us strive for a personal goal, something that will make us happy, That may be money, status, property, love or anything else you would like to cite, Often, however, we fail in our efforts because we focus on the wrong thing en-route, but kyo chi gyo I, can help put that right. No, it’s not another chant, it’s a tried and trusted method for achieving anything your heart desires. So having set kyo (our goal) firmly in our heart, we chant for chi, the wisdom to achieve our goal. Of course, this wisdom doesn’t simply appear, we have to get ourselves into a learning life-state and use every avenue to gather that wisdom. Once the wisdom has been attained we can use it to guide our actions (gyo).

The trick is to concentrate on kyo at all times. So many people fall short of their desired status because they take their eye off kyo, their goal.

The rational behind this is that by focussing on your goal, you concentrate on something concrete. Your status, i, is about you and is not a physical entity, making it an ethereal target and your task so very much more difficult.

Let’s give you real world example …

It’s the last minute of the World Cup Final, it’s 1-1, but incredibly one team has been awarded a penalty. One player has been given the ball and is going to take the penalty.

In this example kyo is successfully converting the penalty, chi is the skill needed to kick the ball accurately and maybe knowing which way the keeper tends to dive. Gyo is accurately kicking the ball, in the desired direction with enough force and i is being the player who scored the winning goal in the World Cup final.

Let’s assume that the player is the regular penalty taker for his team, and that he’s really good at scoring from them. He has practiced for hours, kicking the ball exactly where he wants it to go, so his chi is near perfect. He may have taken dozens of penalty kicks during his playing career, so he has the correct action, and gyo well defined.

If he concentrates on kyo, scoring the goal, he has a good chance of success. If, however, he lets i, his status control his thoughts, he has much more chance of missing.

So it’s all about reaching your goal, kyo. The status, i, whatever that may be, will look after itself.

Remember it can all be made easier by following the Buddhist principle of (kyo chi gyo I) ‘I’(pronounced as ‘E’) it is the recipe for success.

Article Credit : Aupadin  (Source:

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