Nichiren’s Birth, Studies, And Conversion (Part – 1)

Nichiren was born on the seacoast of the south eastern corner of japan, in a fishing village surrounded, on the...

Nichiren And His Time.

If Japan ever produced a religious man of prophetic zeal, Nichiren was the man. He stands almost a unique figure...

The Last Stage Of Nichiren’s Life And His Death.

Nichiren Daishonin had nearly reached the sixty-first year of his age, and for time his some health had been impaired....

The “Courage of the Lion King” .

Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never succumb to threats from anyone. The...

Prayer – The Courage to Never Give Up

Though one might point at the earth and miss it, though one might bind up the sky, though the tides...

New Year’s Gosho

It is clear that those who now believe in the Lotus Sutra will gather fortune from ten thousand miles away….....

The Eight Winds

Worthy persons deserve to be called so because they are not carried away by the eight winds: prosperity, decline, disgrace,...

New Year’s Gosho

Nichiren Writes, “I have received a hundred slabs of steamed rice cake and a basket of fruit. New Year’s Day...

Changing Your Destiny

The Gosho states, If you try to treat someone’s illness without knowing what the cause of the illness is, you...

Living the Teachings of True Buddhism

Nichiren Buddhism emphasizes the importance of the three types of actions, thoughts, words and deeds, in the practice of Buddhism....

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