The Spirit of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

Lets Now learn about the Bodhisattva Never Disparaging. Nichiren clarifies that respecting others, as exemplified by the actions of Bodhisattva Never...

What is Practice for Oneself and Others? | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"The bodhisattva's practice is one of ardent commitment to self-development while also seeking to ease the suffering of others and...

What Is Karma | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"Karma is, like everything, in constant flux. We create our own present and future by the choices we make in...

Why Chant “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo” instead of any other words? | Nichiren Buddhism

All words have power. Words can make people happy or sad, angry or loving, and so on. Language has a...

The Ten Life States In Nichiren Buddhism | Ten Worlds Explained

Have you ever felt angry? Or sad? Hopeless? Happy? Elated – over the moon where your whole world reflects that...

The Oneness of Self and Environment | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"At the most fundamental level of life itself, there is no separation between ourselves and the environment. According to Buddhism,...

The Power of Faith | Nichiren Buddhism

The power of faith. But your faith alone will determine all these things. "To accept is easy; to continue is...

Gongyo Lyrics With Silent Prayers

Myo ho ren ge kyo. Hoben-pon.  Dai ni. Niji seson.  Ju sanmai.   Anjo ni ki.Go shari-hotsu. Sho-but chi-e. Jinjin muryo. Go chi-e mon. Nange...

Why Do We Ring Bells Before Gongyo or Prayers?

You have probably seen a bell in every temple you've been to since you were a kid. Even if you...

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