Prayer in Nichiren Buddhism | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

Prayer is central to the practice of Nichiren Buddhism. Nichiren’s followers often relate experiences of "offering earnest prayer," or "praying...

The Gohonzon | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

Nichiren Buddhism is revolutionary among Buddhist teachings in that it teaches that all people are capable of manifesting Buddhahood in...

Rissho Ankoku – Securing Peace for the People | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

Nichiren specifically rejected the prevailing belief that all Buddhism could offer was the hope of comfort after death, and that...

The Treasure Tower | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"In a letter to a follower, Nichiren explains where the ultimate reality exists. It is in the depths of the...

The Eternity of Life | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"A clear awareness and correct understanding of the nature of death can enable us to live without fear and with...

The Simultaneity of Cause and Effect | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"The nine worlds, representing cause, and the world of Buddhahood, representing effect, exist simultaneously in our lives. This is symbolized...

The Middle Way | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"The Middle Way should not be confused with passivity or a kind of middle-of-the-road compromise. To tread the Middle Way...

The Oneness of Body and Mind | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"Buddhism regards life as the unity of the physical and the spiritual. It views all things, whether material or spiritual,...

Interconnectedness | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"When we realize the extent of the myriad interconnections which link us to all other life, we realize that our...

Changing Poison into Medicine | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

"The process of changing poison into medicine begins when we approach difficult experiences as an opportunity to reflect on ourselves...

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