How Karma Works? | Nichiren Buddhism

Even people who know very little about Buddhism tend to have heard of karma, a word that has entered the...

I am Chanting Then Why Don’t I Feel Happy? | Nichiren Buddhism

Nichiren Daishonin Writes in the gosho “If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have...

Buddha’s Last Message — Be Your Own Saviour Part 2

If you find your mind tempted and so entangled in greed, you must suppress and control the temptation; be the...

Buddha’s Last Message — Be Your Own Saviour Part 1

The Buddha's last words were spoken to a large group of disciples in the Mallas's sāl-tree grove near Kusinārā. The...

The Secret To Changing Bad Karma | Nichiren Buddhism

"The benefit of other sutras is uncertain, because they teach that one must first make good causes and only then...

Life Changing Experience Practicing Nichiren Buddhism (Exp.#1)

Before we share the experience, we would like to Request for Testimonials. We would like to encourage all the Nichiren...

What to Think About When You Chant | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

People often worry about what they should be thinking about when they chant, but there are no hard and fast...

How to Change Poison Into Medicine | Nichiren Buddhism Concept

In a play I saw recently, one of the characters tells how she once found a butterfly struggling to emerge...

Faith is The Key To Eternal Happiness | Nichiren Buddhism

Daimoku is like light; as the Daishonin says, "a lantern lighting up a place that has been dark for a...

Never Seek This Gohonzon Outside Yourself | Nichiren Buddhism

Nichiren Daishonin writes in the Gosho, "Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of...

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